Uses of Interface

Packages that use TemplateLocator

Uses of TemplateLocator in org.peaseplate

Methods in org.peaseplate that return TemplateLocator
 TemplateLocator Template.getLocator()
          Returns the template locator

Methods in org.peaseplate with parameters of type TemplateLocator
 Template TemplateEngine.compile(TemplateLocator locator)
          Compiles the template defined by the specified locator.
 Template PeasePlateEngine.compile(TemplateLocator locator)

Constructors in org.peaseplate with parameters of type TemplateLocator
TemplateRuntimeException(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, java.lang.String message)
TemplateRuntimeException(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)

Uses of TemplateLocator in org.peaseplate.chunk

Methods in org.peaseplate.chunk that return TemplateLocator
 TemplateLocator AbstractChunk.getLocator()
 TemplateLocator Chunk.getLocator()
          Returns the template locator of the template this chunk belongs to

Constructors in org.peaseplate.chunk with parameters of type TemplateLocator
AbstractBlock(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column)
AbstractChunk(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column)
          Creates the chunk using the specified line and column numbers.
AbstractOutputChunk(OutputStrategy outputStrategy, TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column)

Uses of TemplateLocator in org.peaseplate.internal

Methods in org.peaseplate.internal that return TemplateLocator
 TemplateLocator AbstractLocatedTemplateException.getLocator()
          Returns the locator of the template where the exception occurred

Constructors in org.peaseplate.internal with parameters of type TemplateLocator
AbstractLocatedTemplateException(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, java.lang.String message)
          Creates the exception using the specified locator, line and column number and the message.
AbstractLocatedTemplateException(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
          Creates the exception using the specified locator, line and column number and the message.

Uses of TemplateLocator in org.peaseplate.internal.chunk

Constructors in org.peaseplate.internal.chunk with parameters of type TemplateLocator
AbstractIfBlock(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand command)
CallChunk(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String extension, ICommand[] parameterCommands)
ContentChunk(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, char[] content)
ElseBlock(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column)
ElseIfBlock(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand command)
EndChunk(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column)
IfBlock(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand command)
ImportChunk(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ResourceKey importedResourceDescriptor)
IncludeChunk(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, java.lang.String name, ICommand[] parameterCommands)
LineSeparatorChunk(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column)
MacroBlock(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, java.lang.String qualifiedName, java.lang.String[] parameters)
MessageChunk(OutputStrategy outputStrategy, TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand command)
PrintChunk(OutputStrategy outputStrategy, TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand command)
VoidChunk(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column)
WhileBlock(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand command)
WithBlock(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand command)
WithEachBlock(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand command)

Uses of TemplateLocator in org.peaseplate.internal.designator

Constructors in org.peaseplate.internal.designator with parameters of type TemplateLocator
MessageDesignator.MessageCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, java.lang.String key, ICommand... parameterCommands)

Uses of TemplateLocator in org.peaseplate.internal.lang

Constructors in org.peaseplate.internal.lang with parameters of type TemplateLocator
Tokenizer(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, char[] code, int offset, int length)

Uses of TemplateLocator in org.peaseplate.internal.lang.command

Methods in org.peaseplate.internal.lang.command that return TemplateLocator
 TemplateLocator ICommand.getLocator()
 TemplateLocator AbstractCommand.getLocator()

Constructors in org.peaseplate.internal.lang.command with parameters of type TemplateLocator
AbstractBooleanCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
AbstractCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column)
AbstractCompareCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
AbstractDoubleParameterCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
AbstractEqualityCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
AbstractNativeCallCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand command, ICommand... parameterCommands)
AbstractNumericCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
AbstractObjectCallCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand command, ICommand... parameterCommands)
AbstractSingleParameterCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand command)
AbstractUnaryCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand command)
AdditionCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
AndCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
BitwiseAndCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
BitwiseExclusiveOrCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
BitwiseInclusiveOrCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
ComplementCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand command)
DivideCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
EqualsCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
GreaterEqualCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
GreaterThanCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
InlineConditionCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand condition, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
InvocationCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand command, java.lang.String identifier, ICommand[] parameterCommands)
LessEqualCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
LessThanCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
ModuloCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
MultiplyCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
NegativeCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand command)
NotCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand command)
NotEqualsCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
OrCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
PopCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand command)
PositiveCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand command)
QueryCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand command, ICommand identifierCommand, ICommand[] parameterCommands)
ShiftLeftCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
ShiftRightCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
SubstractCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
ThisCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column)
TransformerCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, TransformerService transformerService, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String extension, ICommand command, ICommand... parameterCommands)
UnsignedShiftRightCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, ICommand leftCommand, ICommand rightCommand)
ValueCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, java.lang.Object value)
VariableCommand(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, java.lang.String name)

Uses of TemplateLocator in org.peaseplate.internal.locator

Classes in org.peaseplate.internal.locator that implement TemplateLocator
 class ClassLoaderTemplateLocator
          A template locator that is based on an URL
 class InMemoryTemplateLocator
 class URLBasedTemplateLocator
          A template locator that is based on an URL

Uses of TemplateLocator in org.peaseplate.internal.model

Methods in org.peaseplate.internal.model that return TemplateLocator
 TemplateLocator CompileContext.getLocator()
          Returns the template locator

Constructors in org.peaseplate.internal.model with parameters of type TemplateLocator
CompileContext(TemplateLocator locator)

Uses of TemplateLocator in org.peaseplate.internal.parser

Methods in org.peaseplate.internal.parser that return TemplateLocator
 TemplateLocator TemplateScanner.getLocator()

Constructors in org.peaseplate.internal.parser with parameters of type TemplateLocator
TemplateCompiler(TemplateEngine engine, TemplateLocator locator)
TemplateScanner(TemplateEngine engine, TemplateLocator locator)

Uses of TemplateLocator in org.peaseplate.internal.resolver

Methods in org.peaseplate.internal.resolver that return TemplateLocator
 TemplateLocator ClassLoaderResolver.resolveTemplate(TemplateEngine engine, ResourceKey key)
 TemplateLocator FileResolver.resolveTemplate(TemplateEngine engine, ResourceKey key)

Uses of TemplateLocator in org.peaseplate.internal.service

Methods in org.peaseplate.internal.service that return TemplateLocator
 TemplateLocator DefaultResolverService.getTemplate(TemplateEngine engine, ResourceKey key)

Uses of TemplateLocator in org.peaseplate.internal.template

Methods in org.peaseplate.internal.template that return TemplateLocator
 TemplateLocator AbstractTemplate.getLocator()

Constructors in org.peaseplate.internal.template with parameters of type TemplateLocator
AbstractTemplate(TemplateEngine engine, TemplateLocator locator)
ChunkBasedTemplate(TemplateEngine engine, TemplateLocator locator, Chunk[] chunks, java.util.List<ResourceKey> importedResourceKeys, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,MacroBlock> macroBlocks)

Uses of TemplateLocator in org.peaseplate.lang

Methods in org.peaseplate.lang that return TemplateLocator
 TemplateLocator TemplateFormatException.getLocator()
          Returns the locator of the template where the exception occurred

Constructors in org.peaseplate.lang with parameters of type TemplateLocator
TemplateFormatException(TemplateLocator locator, java.lang.String message)
          Creates the exception using the specified locator and the message.
TemplateFormatException(TemplateLocator locator, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
          Creates the exception using the specified locator and the message.
TemplateParserException(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, java.lang.String message)
TemplateParserException(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)
TemplateParserException(TemplateLocator locator, TokenizerException e)
TemplateScannerException(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, java.lang.String message)
TemplateScannerException(TemplateLocator locator, int line, int column, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable cause)

Uses of TemplateLocator in org.peaseplate.locator

Methods in org.peaseplate.locator with parameters of type TemplateLocator
static java.lang.String LocatorUtils.highlight(TemplateLocator locator, java.lang.String message, int line, int column)

Uses of TemplateLocator in org.peaseplate.resolver

Methods in org.peaseplate.resolver that return TemplateLocator
 TemplateLocator Resolver.resolveTemplate(TemplateEngine engine, ResourceKey key)
          Resolves the specified template and returns a TemplateLocator if found or null otherwise.

Uses of TemplateLocator in org.peaseplate.service

Methods in org.peaseplate.service that return TemplateLocator
 TemplateLocator ResolverService.getTemplate(TemplateEngine engine, ResourceKey key)
          Asks all resolvers for a template described by the specified key and returns a locator for the template if found.

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