This chapter contains the complete reference of the Pease Plate expression language.
- print - The default output designator
Conditional designators
- ${if: ...} - the "if" condition
- ${else-if: ...} - the "else if" condition
- ${switch: ...} - the "switch" statement
Sub-object designators
- ${with: ...} - the "with" designator
- ${with-each: ...} - the "with each" designator
Loop designators
- ${while: ...} - the "while" loop
Block limit designators
- ${end} - the "end" designator
- ${else} - the "else" designator
Flow designators
- ${break} - the "break" designator
- ${continue} - the "continue" designator
Special designators
- ${message: ...} - the "message" designator