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Pease Plate

Render Your Templates

Pease Plate is a simple but powerful template engine for Java 5 and later. It renders dynamic content based on text templates that contain references to your program code.

Pease Plate focusses on the ease of use on both, the template and the integration side.

  • It's easy on the template side, because it's expression language is designed for the special needs of template rendering and helps you a lot with common tasks.
  • And it's easy on the program side, because very simple to integrate and uses plain old Java objects as template data model.

How To Integrate Pease Plate

The following chapter contains anything you need to integrate Pease Plate into your application.

Template Expression Language

This chapter contains all the stuff you need in templates.

Advanced stuff

Beside the predefined things in Pease Plate, you can enhance it in various ways.
